Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Old friends and New friends

It has been kinda like forever since we've written here, hasn't it? Life gets pretty busy with 2 little boys running around (or crawling around) and I haven't posted on my blog in a while. But I just wanted to swing by and say hello, and pass along a short message while I was here  =)

First of all, I do still play WoW. I look forward to the day you get to play again, even if it's not for another year, that's alright. There will always be new toons to start together, and plenty of new things to do in the game. The Chosen One kinda fell apart though, it only has like 4 people left in it right now. I joined my dad's guild, Order of Dragon Elders. It's already a level 19 guild! It's going pretty well. I've made a lot of cool new friends, one in particular that I can't wait to introduce you to. Her name is Alexandria, and she reminds me so much of you. We run together a lot, she's got a rogue named Noobless. It reminded me of Chowmie =)

Also, this guild has recruited a lot of people from the old guild. We got Levi (Blankk) and Will (Willymamouth). We even have Shawn (Magnesson)!!! We also have Shawn's friend Andrew (Maggnes) and Brennan (Krotas). So lots of familiar people. And I'm supposed to pass along this message as well:

From Shawn (aka Magnesson):
To Bree (aka Chowmie):
I miss you! I remember that you wrote that story and I was in it, that was cool. I wish you would come back and write another story about me! =P lol

The end.

So as you can see, you are missed lol. Well anyways, wow is down for maintenance right now, so I'm gonna go blog then read a book till it's back up. I miss you!!!

♥ Crystal

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