Sunday, April 10, 2011

To The Amazing BreeBree

WOW I didn't even know you remembered this blog! It's good to hear from you though, sorry I havent been texting as much as I used to. I just got my new phone this past week, and I'm so frustrated waiting to have this baby, I'm trying so hard to stay busy. And a lot of that means being away from a computer, or only online long enough to post meaningless status updates. Of course, I've been posting a lot about my garden. I'm so proud of it for growing... which is about as pointless as this blog, lol, since growing is what a garden is SUPPOSED to do!

Really sorry to hear about your parent's pizza shop. I hope everything falls into place soon, and they get back on their feet. And it's a good thing that your grades are going up! Better up than down :)

Im doing pretty well, been staying outside a lot. Which makes sense, since that's where the garden is. I'm just full of obvious redundant statements this month. It's super hot out today, and it's supposed to rain tonight. I reallly hope it does, because I dont want to go out and water the garden... but if I wait too long it will get dark... so it had better rain before the sun goes down!!! Yes, clouds, I'm talking to you!!!!

Anyways, we got WoW up on the new desktop, but with such good graphics and such a big screen, Mike takes over in the evenings. I dont want to get back into WoW until after I have the baby anyways, to make sure I can get into a good routine and focus on the kids, and really get everything around here managed before I jump back into it, since you know how hard it is to stop playing WoW once you start.

I need to go do more work in the garden... I still have one row left to weed and I need to plant tomato seeds... but omg im just so tiiiiiiiired... I guess I'll go find something to do that wont overheat me. Blah...

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