Saturday, April 16, 2011

To: the most awesomest Bree

I usually kill everything I try to grow, and my tomatoes have been staying true to that, lol. I only have 7 living tomato plants... though I think I planted close to 20 :( but surprisingly, everything is growing and doing well, and I'm about to post another weekly garden update. I started taking pictures of everything... When the season is over, I'll probably go through the posts and look at the pictures, and see how it progressed. Maybe after the garden is over, I'll post a "before and after" post, showing the very first pictures of each tiny plant next to the finished plant with veggies on it, lol. That would be pretty cool.

Sorry to hear about your aunt. Mine is the annoying one in our family too. It's like, it's always the aunt, lol. Haha, your dad went to another pizza place? I guess he really likes pizza! At least, its a good thing to stick to what you know. And if he knows pizza, then he's doing what he's good at. I wish I could make money for watching movies and eating. Or if someone would pay me to watch my own kids, haha.

WOW 73... you passed me by like 10 levels, lol. Yeah Mike still plays on alliance, but he moved his toons over to my dad's guild, The Order of the Dragon Elders. Or something like that... He still has some on horde, but he doesnt have anyone to talk to over there so he doesnt get on them much. Its like you two are opposites!

OMG I am so frustrated! I was hoping to have the baby already... Ever since like a week and a half ago, I've been feeling as if I'm about to have the baby, I keep getting freaked out waking up wondering if I'm going to have the baby that day... every time he moves I feel like he's getting ready to come out... but then he doesnt come yet! I think I've just given up on thinking I'm gonna go into labor anytime soon. The way things are going, I'm not gonna have this baby till after Easter :( I just dont want to be pregnant anymoreeeeeeeee... it's driving me crazy! O.o

School year is almost over, right? I think my sister gets out in about a month and a half. She's in Florida school though. She's gonna come out and visit in the middle of June. I cant wait, she was so much help with little David last year. I can really use that help again when I also have little Levi <3

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