Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bam, Boom, Bam.

Well. Im glad that everything is going well.

Originally we have 8 classes per student, but if your ahead in your credits and such, You can get release time, and I was taking a math class and an extra science class at the time, but when second semester started, I managed to talk to my 11th grade SIL (Student Improvement Leader.) And I managed to get out of 2 blocks of classes I didn't need.

Your boys are so cute! :) And the last time I heard about Levi, He just popped out of you. He's getting so big so fast! Thats great that Davids treating him so well. (Like my brother did when I was little.)

Oh! That reminds me, I'm going to tell you a story that will make you go "Aww."
When my brother was little, before I was even thought of. My brother literally told my mom this. "Mommy, I want a baby sister." (Or something like that.) And thats where I came in, but I don't think David gets into a lot of things that he shouldn't, psh, Not like I'm saying that I did or anything (Lol..?)

I haven't heard of those movies before. Well, Sort of, but I don't watch them. I always watched like..The Lion king or something like that. They will be like two peas in a Pod when they get older, I bet. (Me and my brother are.)

Thats good for mike. Making friends and such. He must be working really hard though, because he never really came as the "Try to make friends" kind of Type (Oops! Don't tell him I said that!) Hence the reason why when I met him I told him he was my best friend (In reality, you both are.)

Mom and dad, right now had decided that They kind of wanna work out during the summer or something..Which I thought was totally lame, But since I have gym and everything (They totally kick your ass here! I swear!) Then that makes everything better, I suppose.

I'm getting my WoW back tomorrow, because since school started, mom and dad froze my account and thought it would be easier for me to keep my grades up and I would do my homework and stuff more, but That didn't really go the way that they wanted it to. I get into Tumblr, and I procrastinate like no other.

But now, I'm in class, and there is a sub, So I thought i'd just write you back before class ended (Regardless, I would of noticed before hand, but Today has been a total drag and all the teachers have been watching me like a hawk today...)

But now, Im going to type up a new blog on my Main blog. Tootles for now. :)


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