Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Blog For CRYSTALLL~

Hello darling. I know its been a while since we have actually talked to each other via blog.

But, I just want to tell you an update on my life, if I you are willing to read this.

Its been finals week for the students here (Myself included.) This is to see if we can either pass or fail our classes. So, Of course -- We are told to study, but half of the student body doesn't seem to bother.

Today is the last day of the semester. Tuesday will be the new semester. Do you wanna know about my schedule?

Block 1: Release Time
Block 2: P.E
Block 3: Yearbook.
Block 4: English 3
Block 5: Drawing and Painting
Block 6: U.S History
Block 7: Earth Science.
Block 8: Release Time.

But of course, Our school time hours are cut, we have 4 classes a day. They switch to an A or a B day. Say that the A day lands on a Monday, you Will fall on a B day the next day -- etc.

Aside from all the school stuff -- Ill tell you what is going on with the people I live with.
Yes, I still live with my mother and father (But not for very long.) And yesterday -- they finally decided to get fit.

Fit as in: Exercise, Eating right, diets (Yeah, I know that you know.)

Im pretty stocked. Its going to be really great, because they finally have the motivation to get up and do something thats going to be good for them. Which, I will also be participating. I don't need to be sitting on my butt when I get home -- i don't need to be eating stuff that can kill me.

Anyway --

I just thought I'd share you a short update. I must go, because I have an English final coming up.



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