Friday, January 20, 2012

Nothing New

Hey there, you!!! ♥

It's good to hear from you! =) My school was set up the same way yours is; we had 6 different classes, 4 a day. The first two were electives, and we had them every day, then the other four were our standard classes (math, science, english, and history/geography). We had two of those a day, every other day. At first it was referred to as "red/blue days" then they went to "A/B days", but we always just called them "math/history" and "english/science" days.

It's pretty cool that your parents are getting into diet and exercise and stuff. I wish I had the motivation to get up and do stuff again, work out. But the kids just wear me out so much, I'd rather just sit on the computer and relax than work out, lol. Oh well. I'll get back into it one day, I'm sure. But I'm excited for you!

We havent been up to much here, just everyday life with the kids. Playing wow in our free time, watching movies, and stuff. We got a new dog for the boys for Christmas! It's a black Lab, we named her Katy.

My guild on WoW (The Chosen One) has gotten to level 5 already! I moved my druid back into it to take over as GM. Shawn even put Magnesson into it ♥ it's exciting how much its growing.

The boys are really growing, too. David is 2 1/2 already, and he's great at mimicking us. He makes "awww" and "ooooooo!" sounds at all the right times during movies, lol. And he tries to help do the dishes, and take care of Levi. Such a good big brother. Levi is 9 months old already! He sits up and crawls and holds his own bottle. He laughs alllllll the time; such a happy baby, lol.

Mike is doing alright. We play wow together now, instead of always just next to each other. He's starting to get to know the guys he works with a little better. He's trying to help out a guy at work that had his stepson steal his truck and total it. It's sad, so anything we can do to help...

As I'm typing this right now, I'm just kinda sitting at the computer, Mike is still at work for another half an hour, Levi is on my bed behind me drinking a bottle of juice and eating Cheetos, David is sitting next to me at Mike's computer, and I have a movie up on Mike's computer screen, and both boys are watching it. I swear over the last few months all the boys like to watch is:

How to Train Your Dragon
Gift of the Nightfury (a winter short movie from how to train your dragon)
Meet the Robinsons
The Incredibles
The Sword and the Stone
El Dorado

I have seen each of these movies so much that I know every word by heart. -_- Don't get me wrong, they're great movies. But geez... lol

Anyways, That's about it going on in our lives. Not much. It's very boring, except for the WoW things. But I guess after a while that seems pretty boring too... Idk, I have a lot going on in game that I want to do, so it's not boring to me, but I could imagine anyone that comes over would think it's pretty boring to just sit there and stare at a screen (even though I could do it for hours).

Well, speaking of the game, I'm going to do my dailies. Hope to hear back from you again soon! Love ya bunches ♥

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