Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Wonderful M'lady: Crystal :)

Hello M'dear, How are You?
I heard You FINALLY had Levi. HES SO CUTE!! :)
Im so happy for you. Right Now,Im in class lol. English 2, and I have nothing to do, My friend Jerson said Hi.
Uhm,,Yeah, Ive been working on a new story and its in progress and I MIGHT Post in on here, seeing as I deleted my WoW story. Honestly, I dont think that story was good enough, Seeing as I didnt write it on paper in the beginning, BUT this one is really good so far, I might add changes As I type it up, because thats What I do. Anyway, I hope Your no too busy to answer this or anything, I mean, I dont want to rush you or anything.

So, Im glad that this school years coming to an end, im Trying SUPER hard to get my grades up, But Mainly, Im worried about Finals than anything. I have to stay after school and talk to the English teacher about YearBook, Becuase thats just how she is: she Runs Year book. Its pretty cool, Becuase Im already ready to get out of my house and get my own place, at least I think I am. Mom doesnt really agree much, But im still planning What its going to look like and such. I already have my college plans planned out. (I guess this is just telling you how my life is and my plans, I dont really talk to you that much to tell you, BUT I thought you should know, Because this is my dream and Life and whatever.) Oh, Feel free to send me Mugs or something; I have a mug fetish, REALLY bad.
Im not writing in complete paragraphs, But whatevvverrr lawl. Uhmm.... Yeah, Im going into college for Art/photography, Because thats the best thing I can do, and I enjoy it, But im only going for two years. For the basics and shizz.

But before that, I have two more years left, and Im sure they are going to Zoooooooomm By! Just like this year. Anyway, I gotta get going because im running out of ideas on what to say.

Talk to you when I talk to you, M'lady! :) <3

Tell Little Levi I said Hi!

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