Saturday, May 14, 2011

Had a Question...

Hey I was looking over my 4 blogs this morning, and I realized that I had only written the prologue and first chapter of my story I wanted to write (but I wrote it last July, so it was a looooong time ago). I was just wondering, did I ever ask you to read the prologue and chapter one? I kinda want to know what  you think so far, i think chapter one is really just an introduction and the finding of what takes them on their adventure, so it's barely even begun. There is probably going to be like, 50 chapters... at least. But each chapter is really short. If I can do this well enough, and if i like it when it's completely done, i might see if anyone can publish it as an actual book. like, probably in the teenage/young adult section. anyways, did I ever ask you to read it?

Well, if you want to (you probably read it last year) it's at I have it set one post per page, so scroll down first to the table of contents and click "prologue". Then read chapter one. Actually, it doesnt matter what order you read it in, since nothing important has happened yet. Anyways, just saying I think I'm gonna start working on it again.

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