Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh Great and Wonderful Bree :)

Heeeeey you!

So guess what?!?! I was reading my mom's blog the other day, and she does this thing... it's called "Top Ten Tuesday". What you do is every Tuesday, you do a top ten list of something. Anything at all. (go to to see more of them) Some examples are my mom did a top ten of why shes never having more kids, why she loves and hates her house, top ten things about people in her family... it's kinda cool. I was thinking about doing it too, writing a top ten list each Tuesday. And when you do, you just put a link to on the post (if you go to her page, on the right side on the bottom she has the html you can copy and paste for her link. I think we only have to put that since Top Ten Tuesday is her idea, the way she does it and all. I havent really looked into her page much just yet, but it seems like a good idea. People LOVE top ten tuesday, and my mom has gotten a lot of people reading her blog because of it.

I dont know, it seems like a pretty cool idea. At least gives us something to look forward to blogging about :)

1 comment:

  1. Okay I looked into it! just go here: and you will see her instructions, how it works. I think I might actually start doing it! :)

    What you do is every tuesday, you write a top ten list of something, anything. you put the link to her page on your post (the one i put above) then go to her page ( and she will have posted her own top ten list. at the bottom of her list, there is a list of all the other people who are posted their lists, and there is a link that says click to enter, and you click there and you can put the link to your own top ten up there, and it will show up on her page. so every one that reads her top ten can look through and see your top ten, and it might just inspire them to read your entire blog!
