Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey Breesy!

So I saw your top ten! I linked your page up to Amanda's too, on ohamanda.com, so it's up there with the other top ten lists. You'd be surprised, people will go to her page and read everyone else's top ten lists, so maybe people will go see yours! It's a great way to get new followers. I posted my list at like 9 am this morning, and I linked to her page as soon as I did. So I had a few people come visit my blog just because they went to hers! It was pretty cool. I only know they saw it because some of them left comments, and you can see the page views on your stats on blogger. I'm so excited to do this EVERY tuesday! If you want, every tuesday after you post your blog, just text me and I'll go ahead and link it to her page for you. Just make sure that somewhere on your post, put her url (www.ohamanda.com). We might actually get people reading our blogs this way! Who knows?

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